New concepts for an American Hero

Archive for March, 2018

Oktober Guard, Pt 7 – Ruslan

Today we’ve got the most obscure member of the Guard, Ruslan. He was a young member of the team that appeared in only a few scenes in the G.I. Joe: America’s Elite “World War III” storyline, and didn’t even have any dialogue.

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Oktober Guard, Pt 6 – Big Bear

The next member of the Oktober Guard is Big Bear, the last new member added to the original toy line era. Here, we’re playing more into his anti-armor specialty then his original figure, which made him look more like an arctic trooper.

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Oktober Guard, Pt 5 – Brekhov

Getting back to the Oktober Guard, here is original team leader, Colonel Brekhov. As before, these designs ignore the stories so this is a modern Brekhov despite the character dying in the comics years ago. The Colonel was born in Ukraine so these days he wouldn’t technically be Russian. His design includes a Ukraine flag and a symbol of its armed forces.

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